Wayfaring Spoon

Welcome to Wayfaring Spoon! Our approach to health coaching goes beyond mere conversation, we offer hands-on food preparation instructions that paves the way for your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself. If you're hesitant about taking the initial steps, consider enrolling in one of our carefully curated small classes to explore what suits you best. If you're ready to dive into personalized, one-on-one guidance, let's embark on this transformative journey together – we have dedicated spots waiting just for you. I will be with you every step of the way, because learning to spoon takes some practice.

Group classes:

1.5 hour class with a maximum of 10 people. All classes offer hands on cooking time with delicious food developed to fit dietary plans for specific health needs, workbook filled with ideas, tips, and recipes. At the end of the class, you enjoy with your classmates your creations.

All in-person classes are held in Coos Bay, Oregon.


Health Coaching

Keto Essentials 101: Mastering the Basics for a Healthier You

Interested in exploring the benefits of the Keto diet and wondering if it's a good fit for you? Our Keto Diet Health Coaching Class is designed to demystify the concept of keto, explain its workings, and guide you how to incorporate it into a balanced eating routine.

So Many Choices, what Healthy Lifestyle to Choose?

Demystifying Keto, Mediterranean, and Fasting to support your goals for healthy living.

How to Meal Prep for a Healthy Lifestyle

Tired of take-out or boring repetitive meals? Then this class will give you a new direction! You will identify your cooking style, what are your barriers, and define your goals for a healthy lifestyle.

Diabetes- Understanding, Managing, and Thriving

Learn valuable insights into managing and thriving with diabetes. We will review strategies, your food choices, empowering you to make informed choices for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Hands on Health Coaching
Cooking Class

Coaching based on your individual needs and goals. Includes workbook, tips, and delicious recipes. 1.5 hours hands on cooking class.

30-Day Health Coaching

Discover which healthy eating plan works for you and implement it! Includes 1 cooking class plus three individual coaching sessions to keep you on track.

90-Day Health Coaching

Are you ready to get it all together and put your life on a healthy journey? Then this plan is for you! Together we set and identify your obstacles,goals, and dreams. Then week by week we build a road map to a healthy lifestyle plan. Includes 2 cooking class plus 10 individual coaching sessions to keep you on track.


Health Coaching Services


in person or virtual pricing varies

Time to really get it all together?

Time to do something just for you that will change your life?

Need someone to cheer you on and get to (finally!) feeling good about yourself and your body?

Then this is the health coaching program for you.

Get weekly coaching, goodies to get you started, and weekly resources that help keep you on track!

Because spooning is more fun with someone by your side.

Every new client gets a complimentary 30-minute consultation to determine a plan that fits your needs and goals.